Making the Change
When you are sick and tired of being sick and tired then life becomes something to dread. I for one am all too familiar with waking up in the morning and wondering if, no, wondering when, I was going to have another panic attack. Then shortly after would feel my heart pounding. At that point, all I wanted was to do anything to stop my life from being a living hell. There is an art form to...Learn More
Mental Health Survival Tips
When situations are too much for a person to handle, they go into a crisis. Getting out of a crisis can seem impossible when the heart is racing, it is hard to catch your breath, or crying becomes so overwhelming you feel the tears will never stop. How to get out of a crisis takes a little know-how, a lot of effort, and many times support. This is not the time to self-medicate because you need...Learn More
Welcome Back from Vacation
Three weeks. Yeah, three weeks in Europe was amazing. I got the opportunity to do something I had never done before, experience life that was vastly different from what I was used to, and then BAM! back to work. My schedule was completely filled when I returned and of course, the basic operations of the facility had to be handled too, so let me cut to the chase – I need a vacation after this...Learn More
It Is Time
What I have been planning for the last three months is almost upon me. My trip to Europe. I may have butterflies in my stomach now, but I will reframe that as being excited. What faces me is my Ideal Vacation Scene of traveling across the pond with my inner child in hand. Hey, taking care of my younger wounded self has spurred on incredible adventures and this is the next. Adventure? Sure. I...Learn More
The Three Foot Plan
Excited, I grabbed the basketball and toed the marker some 12 feet away from the basket. Same game, different environment. I was standing in front of my classmates at the University of Santa Monica, the graduate school where I studied Spiritual Psychology. It wasn’t new for me to shoot in front of a lot of people. I had once shot at halftime at a Lakers game at the Forum in from of 17,505...Learn More
How to Spark Motivation
How to get ourselves in motion can be difficult, if you’ve been used to leading a lethargic lifestyle. Simply getting up from the couch and washing the dishes may feel agonizing, when the habit has been watching T.V. or playing a video game. This was the topic of the group this past week. How do you get your butt in motion when the habit seems sometimes too difficult to break? My question is,...Learn More
Rough Week
Last September my Step Father passed away. Since I was 4 years old his guidance was amazing. I just heard the news that my birth father was placed in a nursing home and his mind and body are slipping. Both in their 90s, back deep in my mind, I always figured that my fathers would always be around. One down, prepare for number two. Let’s add on catching the flu. To be honest I don’t know what...Learn More
Changing for the Better
This article should be entitled personal responsibility since in changing ourselves, it has to be done by ourselves. So often people want to have others swoop in and rescue them because we feel it is their fault, they are making me feel this way, when the truth is, it is all about us. In taking personal responsibility, we are no longer victims of what others do or say. In all actuality, it is...Learn More
Scheduling Alone Time
For many people, life is but a blur. Activity, activity, and then the big crash – or is there one? Often when we are too busy it becomes difficult to unwind. Did you know that relaxation is a necessity in life? So is time away from the electronics. Do you give yourself time to simply let your mind go to where it wants to go? It’s true that Psychology is the study of relationships, but have we...Learn More