Crisis Management
A crisis takes place when problems are too much for you to handle. Often people experience panic attacks at this time where the heart races, you feel short of breath, and think you will faint. There are a special set of tools you can use at this time to calm yourself down. At times of crisis, our brains don’t have access to logical thought so please keep things simple. Here are the top ten...Learn More
Open Topic Workshop
On May 1st, 2021 from 3:00 pm to 5:00 PM we are going to conduct an open discussion on the problems that confront you. Learn some innovative techniques, get some things off your chest, and get support from others that are on the call. This is a departure from the normal format Basic Steps Mental Health normally provides. On this day we go into the trenches with you, see what is going on in...Learn More
Helping our Children
The pandemic has wreaked havoc on our nation in many ways. Now the latest report is the devastation it has caused for our children. For a child to grow up normally, they need love and attention from their primary caregivers – usually their parents, they need to have fun, and they need their social needs met. Object Relations Theory states that all mental illness has its root in early childhood...Learn More
Helping the Suicidal
Suicide. Not a pleasant subject but working in the Crisis field ten years ago and treating thousands that were suicidal makes me some kind of an expert, I guess. The facts are that if we don’t get a handle on depression, it can take you out. As a supervisor of interns, it is my job to help new therapists read the signs. Does the person have a desire to kill themselves, do they have a plan, is...Learn More
Mental Health Tune-Up Workshop
Basic Steps Mental Health is conducting another Zoom Meeting to help people get through the difficulties in their life through self-help tools. One in five people have problems that warrant serious treatment of which many cannot afford. We continue our series of free workshops to help people in our community learn self-help methods to counsel themselves through the difficulties they face. Many...Learn More
Moving to the New Office – The Saga
Blurry eyed, I am writing an account of what went down during our move to Everett Washington over the holiday season. I forgot how difficult moves can be – if difficult can come close to describing it. Why the Move Our expensive lease was up and what started out as an adventure to downsize and save some extra money each month, turned into a monster. It seemed like it was the perfect time to...Learn More
The Reality of Life – Death
The day after Christmas, after the Zoom parties, the nice meals, and the exchanging of presents, I got bad news one after the other. My fiancée from twenty years ago was found dead in her apartment probably due to alcoholism. She had just turned 60. Alcohol had put a chasm in our relationship back then and probably took her as a victim now. A bitter pill to swallow because we had been very...Learn More
Holiday Greetings
It is the time of year to reflect on the people and experiences of the past year and the impact this has had on you. Though, what a trying year it has been for us all. I just saw a report on the increase in mood disorders, substance use, and domestic violence cases which saddened me greatly. I often wonder how people can turn their back on their problems and celebrate the holiday season....Learn More
Virtual Therapy
In 1994 I began treating people with substance abuse and mental illness problems. From this time, I have always looked for that secret ingredient, that special something, that would “heal all”, as hopefully, most therapists are doing. Just because I’ve had amazing success, I guess that desire, to perfect what I am presenting, is still ingrained in me. Therefore, I am always tweaking my...Learn More