Dream Your Dream
It’s that time of year again. The time to set your sights on the new year, create some plans that are unobtainable, disappoint yourself, and then fall back into the same old limiting patterns. Humiliating? Of course, it is. This article was written to improve your odds of obtaining your desires, but in order to resolve something, ask yourself if it is something that you really want....Learn More
Ending of a Year Beginning of the Next
How was your year? Did you accomplish what you wanted? Another year down and another one is about to start. Such is life. The ultimate question is, what did you learn? Since life is all about trial and error, if we fail to learn from failures, we are destined to repeat them. And, if you fail to try, you will be destined to repeat the same behaviors over and over again. Yes, it can be easy...Learn More
Doorways of Opportunity
You’ve seen it, people moping around as if there is a dark cloud above their heads. As a therapist, I see it in body posture, overall energy, and the feeling of someone feeling defeated. I guess, when life becomes one disappointment after another you just expect it to continue this way. How do we stop this slow progression into the pit of despair? Why do all the negatives keep showing up?...Learn More
The Key to Getting through School
When I was 32 years old, I decided to go back to school and study something I was interested in – Psychology. It had been 10 or so years since I dropped out of Long Beach State, but wanted to get out of the construction trade and knew that I needed to finish my Bachelor’s degree. In my first class back, the teacher told us we needed to read something 10 times to memorize it. 10 times!...Learn More
Motivation – A Deeper Cut
As the exploration continues on improving motivation, one thing that needs to be emphasized is the importance to address a problem on all levels to get the maximum results. We took a good look into the physical level, now we will into getting our mindset into proper focus. The mental level will amaze you. When you realize how powerful you are and how to focus on this ability, it becomes...Learn More
Have Hope, Dare to Dream
If you have the opportunity, a great book to read is “Love, Miracles, and Medicine” by Dr. Bernie Segal. He helped people with advanced cases of cancer heal and sometimes without medical interventions. He advocated having the desire to live. There aren’t a lot of clinical books on the value of hope, but with hope, we can suffer through a lot and make it to the other side. In the book, “Man’s...Learn More
Tis’ the Season for Depression
Welcome to the holiday season. If you’ve had issues in the past, they tend to surface this period of time. Remembrances of family, relationships, friends can stir up a lot of difficult emotions and memories. In school, they would say, “If you think you are enlightened, wait till you go home for Thanksgiving.” Using the holiday season as a healing journey can be empowering. Avoiding these...Learn More
Are You a Doer or a Viewer?
An interesting topic popped up in a process group this week about being a doer or a viewer. How would you answer this? I often wonder if our tendency to explore our world or simply watch it stems from the family we grew up in. Did your family of origin tend to sit and watch the television or were they active? When I grew up, I played all the sports and went to baseball and basketball games...Learn More
The Start of a New Year
With the start of a new year our thoughts can go one of two ways: To grow, adapt, and be a better person, or to drag the familiar past with us. How do you envision your new year? Are you hopeless or hopeful? To me, life has always been a battle to remain positive. It seems as if there are so many forces in the world, trying to bring us down. It isn’t that hard to see the suffering, the anger,...Learn More