When seat belts were mandated, I rebelled at first but got into the rhythm of wearing them. When masks were recommended, I rebelled too. Why did I do this? This recently took me on a journey of self-discovery.
There is a rebel inside of me that I cannot deny. When I track it back in time, it probably started when I was 15 years old and trying to be my own person. At the time I was extremely...Learn More
Elisabeth Kubler Ross & David Kessler are well known for their model of the stages of loss.
The five stages of loss are Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. Which stage are you currently in with this COVID-19 pandemic?
A number of clients were angry about the imposition this pandemic has caused them my mind began to think about the stages theory. Hey, we lost our normal...Learn More
What helped me get through difficult times is helping me once again – comedy. Years ago, when I was an addict and on the street, I got involved in a comedy group that literally changed my life. I think I am the only person that can say that my substance treatment was performing Comedy live at the top comedy clubs in Hollywood.
This took place in the early 1980s when MTV was starting out...Learn More
How do we survive the daily reminders that we are living in troubled times? It is blasted in the media everywhere. Shoot, I see these bulletins on my computer all day and night providing me with the latest COVID-19 updates.
It’s in our face. We are living in troubled times. What have you been doing to cope? Are you binge-watching? Raiding your refrigerator all hours of the day? Having a bit...Learn More
With all the physical precautions regarding COVID-19, what about learning some emotional precautions as well? It is important to take into account our whole being – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual – at times of great stress. The focus of this article is taking care of the mental and emotional levels in getting you through this pandemic.
The Placebo Effect
The placebo effect has been...Learn More
As the world is grappling with issues of enormous scale and human impact, our hearts go out to all who have been affected by the outbreak of COVID-19.
Basic Steps Mental Health will continue to remain open during the outbreak of the Coronavirus. We have stepped up our efforts to sterilize our environment and provide universal precautions to our clients whose immune system is compromised. We...Learn More
Back, back, a way back… and Gone! The ballgame is over! And so is my sports entertainment thanks to the Coronavirus. The Coronavirus has caused worldwide concerns and no baseball? But this takes a backseat to the reality of this disease. As we take care of the universal precautions, something is being overlooked – the unresolved emotional issues that are now being brought to the surface.
What...Learn More
Did this past Valentine’s day make or break your relationship? This is a pivotal day for people in relationships because you will discover the actual state the partnership is in. If problems exist, they won’t go away on their own, work needs to be done and not on your partner but on you. This is because the health of your relationship reflects the relationship you have with yourself.
If you...Learn More
According to Object Relations Therapy, all mental illness has its roots in early childhood experiences. If your family was dysfunctional, there are great odds that this was passed down to you. Do your relationships mirror the relationship your parents had? Do you fight? Do you avoid any confrontations? Is it important for you to be right? Do you have to be in control? Are you always...Learn More
Are you addicted to being right? Is it important for you to win? It is important to understand that when one person is right or wins, another person is wrong and loses. Having to be right and win all of the time is the downfall of meaningful relationships. We refer to these as Transactional relationships. In Transactional relationships failure is eminent.
Transactional Relationships
For many...Learn More