Battling the Blahs
If you wake up in the morning, have no energy, no motivation, and no direction, these can be signs of depression. It is normal for people to have ups and downs but if these symptoms happen on a daily basis, and keep you from work, school, social interactions, or the things you normally do, then getting professional treatment would be important.
Depression has many causes. It could be something you inherited from your family of origin, it may be caused by the environment you grew up in, or are in now. It could be caused by overwhelming stress at work or in school, being in a bad relationship, and a litany of others. Emotionally, however, it could be caused by trauma and abuse. These emotional causes tend to build and may need professional help. Lastly, it can be from using substances, namely alcohol – which is a depressant. Long-term use of Meth or Cocaine is known to strip the system of dopamine – the feel-good neurotransmitter in your brain, that brings with it enjoyment.
The good news is the brain heals – given the proper conditions. The first step is making a commitment to you to stop injuring yourself through the use of chemicals.
If you suffer from both depression and substance dependence, you have a decision to make. You can either continue to be a prisoner to your bed, to substances, isolating yourself from life, or climb back up onto your feet and begin living again. And yes, you may have all the excuses in the world for why you are the way you are. Yes, it must have been horrible to go through what you went through, still, people heal if they make the effort to do so. So, get off your ifs, ands, and buts, put on your big boy or girl pants, and let’s get cracking (for you British blokes).
Ours, at Basic Steps Mental Health is not a 12-step approach where a Power greater than ourselves will restore us to sanity. Ours is a psychological approach in which you are that power that does the restoring work, and as you do so God will be by your side.
In the Child – Parent – Adult paradigm, the child represents our hedonistic or pleasure-seeking behaviors, the parent sets limits to that part, and the adult represents long-term stability. Which part inside of you do you want to run the ship?
I personally see people through a developmental framework. A person may be old enough to be an adult but do they act like one? If you are rationalizing being a baby, wanting others to live your life for you, blaming them, or would rather play video games than manage your own affairs, you are not acting your age. And yes, adulting is difficult. People learn this when they first get sober. Suddenly, all the things they wanted to magically go away are now in their face on a daily basis and it seems to take double effort to deal with them. Real sobriety starts when you have severe cravings and turn to more beneficial tools.
So, what will it be? Keep your big boy or girl pants on or put back on that diaper?
I know this sounds harsh and it is romantic to live a numbed-out life, but doing so takes a physical toll and a mental one. The body gets damaged and so does the brain, and as you age and get into your elderly years keeping your mind and body intact is critical.
Let’s look at the main ways to heal the blahs and problems with addiction holistically. Pushing through things is one method, but learning a whole system may help you get over the hump and actually start enjoying your life again.
How is your diet? Are you getting enough nutrients and fuel for your body? Are you willing to cease using substances like drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, vaping, and even coffee may be having a detrimental impact on your physical health?
Are you getting the proper sleep? Do you exercise regularly? Do you relax? Shoot, even getting your bare feet on the ground (referred to as grounding) can calm your nerves and help your digestion and lower blood pressure.
I go to a naturalistic doctor who checks my blood regularly to advise me about food allergies, and what my system is lacking and then she supplements deficient areas. Keeping our bodies in top condition will add greatly to our overall well-being.
Did you realize negative thinking zaps the body of energy? Candace Pert got her Nobel Prize for proving that when we are happy, the brain secretes these neuropeptides that enhance our immune system, aid digestion, slow down the aging process, and make us stronger. How many positive versus negative thoughts do you have? Do you tend to judge yourself and others? Does your internal critic run your life? Do you have a negative mood when you are at work, school, or even at home?
Learning to set positive intentions, and focus on, instead of the worst things that can happen, but the best, can lift you out of your rut. The interesting thing is when we focus on the worst things, our emotions actually kick in, and feel these bad things are going on right now, then we have a bad reaction! Faulty thinking can literally bring on panic attacks!
Are you unhappy? Are you fulfilling the purpose of your life? Do you even have a purpose? Then what is your life all about? If you people please and make others more important than yourself, it can lead to depression and zap your energy. If you make others more important, what is the message you are giving to yourself? Are you always the second best?
We were taught to treat others the way we want them to treat us. Has that worked? Have they treated you with the kindness you’ve given them? In looking to get our needs met from other people we risk becoming a victim. Instead, take care of yourself first – put on your oxygen mask – and after doing so you can choose to take care of others.
According to Object Relations Theory, all mental illness has its roots in early childhood experiences. What do we normally do with traumatic experiences? We stuff them inside, make believe they aren’t there, and depress ourselves. Have you ever tried to hold a ball underwater? What does that ball want to do? It takes all our strength to stuff down that ball – which is the same dynamic that our brain struggles with. Holding down our traumas takes effort and depresses us. Let go of that ball through counseling, journal writing, and even letter writing. Write letters to the person or persons that have hurt you – NOT TO MAIL – but rip them up in order to purge this garbage from your mind. Therapy will help you purge this out even more. There is some beauty to letting somebody neutral into your own personal hell.
At the root of spiritual psychology is applying love to the younger part of you that got hurt. This is the ultimate way to heal an issue for the last time.
Even if you have no spiritual beliefs, it can be understood that if you don’t address something that has gone on in your life, it has a funny way of returning over and over again. Spiritually speaking, our issues are happening for the growth and development of your soul. When you process through a traumatic experience, you literally grow at the level of your soul.
Spiritual tools can be as simple as reciting a positive affirmation 100 times a day to attract to you more love, joy, health, and wisdom. Setting intentions can help you focus on a goal and continually move toward it. Meditation can clear the mind, help you move from past or future thinking, and remain in the here and now.
If you focus on only one of these levels, it will put you out of balance. As the body heals, it pulls on the other levels so working on it all together helps you remain more balanced in your growth and development. For example weight loss. You can reduce your calorie intake, but mentally and emotionally if these aren’t addressed properly, then a late-night binge can easily take place.
Compassionate Care is Always Available
There are many more tools and strategies you can use in your pursuit of happiness. Here is where we come in. Contact us at Basic Steps Mental Health and let us support and educate you on this journey back to your loving heart center. Imagine living a heart-centered life, regardless of what is happening externally. We’d love to be of help.
For 25 years, Dr. Scott Alpert, the clinical director of Basic Steps Mental Health, has treated over 7,000 people with mental health and addiction problems, using a Psychological approach that mixes and matches ten of the top approaches used in the industry. We are here virtually and in-person to help you get through this COVID-19 pandemic and many other difficulties you may be experiencing.
May you have good mental health.
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