Surviving Trying Times
It’s been a trying week for many people with the changing of the president. When there are uncertain times, how do you cope? People of color, those from other countries, and those who are gender questioning or living alternative lifestyles have been the most vulnerable because of what they went through in Trump’s last presidency. I heard one black person receive an explicit text...Learn More
Special Memory #8
There are some interesting experiences as a therapist, which have aided me in being the best therapist I can be. When life and death situations presented themselves in my practice, I wasn’t that prepared to deal with them. As a college intern, my first placement was at Tarzana Treatment Center, a facility just north of Los Angeles. My position was counseling individuals suffering from HIV...Learn More
Special Memory #5
The most humbling experience I have ever had in my career was with an 18-year-old woman who attended my residential treatment program and we just did not connect. It happens, not every person is going to get along with me. She was there, not of her own choice but her family insisted that she clean herself up and was forced to be there. From the start, whatever I did always went clunk. I had...Learn More
The Comparisons
I learned a long time ago that when I compare myself to other people I always lose. My mother used to say, “The grass is always greener on the other side.” I think the reason why I made comparisons was in having low self-worth. We always assume that people are perfect and better, and we make ourselves second best – but that is just my theory. The real issue here is not the comparisons but...Learn More
Doorways of Opportunity
You’ve seen it, people moping around as if there is a dark cloud above their heads. As a therapist, I see it in body posture, overall energy, and the feeling of someone feeling defeated. I guess, when life becomes one disappointment after another you just expect it to continue this way. How do we stop this slow progression into the pit of despair? Why do all the negatives keep showing up?...Learn More
The Benefits of Slowing Down
Have you ever made those rash decisions, blurted out something, and then later regretted it? Have you ever talked over someone else when they were speaking because you were impatient or defensive? Then this article was written for you. The cerebral cortex is the main area in the brain that processes information. When stressed out, angry, or intoxicated, this part of the brain goes offline and...Learn More
Have I Lost It?
I can’t believe it, but I began writing another book. Even though I am in the middle of professionally recording my music, you would think that I didn’t have much time to do anything else. All I know is that for the last few days, I’ve had this nagging voice inside of me that had another agenda, writing another book. Over 20 years ago, I came up with a process called Opposite Hand Play. It...Learn More
Fix-It Time
While driving to work this week my car developed a problem, now it is in the shop and getting worked on. Such is life. It seems like I have had my share of fix-its recently, including changing the internet provider for a faster network and getting a new computer because the old one was bogging down. Though, I am not the only one. Many clients have also been experiencing problems with...Learn More
Breaking the Barriers
Have you ever felt like you are destined to deal with the same issues over and over again, to the point where you just give up hope for anything better to happen? That used to describe me in dealing with my anxiety. I just assumed that everyone had to deal with anxiety, you know, cope with it forever. In this article, I’ll discuss ways to push past, heal, and move forward. I’ve looked at...Learn More