Surviving Trying Times
It’s been a trying week for many people with the changing of the president. When there are uncertain times, how do you cope? People of color, those from other countries, and those who are gender questioning or living alternative lifestyles have been the most vulnerable because of what they went through in Trump’s last presidency. I heard one black person receive an explicit text message reminiscent of times of slavery. For these people and many others, to them, these fears feel valid. Entertaining those fears can send people into a crisis.
In order to get through the difficulties of life, shifting to fear or anger will often make matters worse. Why? Because when we are angry or afraid it weakens us, makes us vulnerable to illness, and our negativity has a direct impact on the others that surround us. This wave of fear can travel around the planet and create a worldwide pandemic of an emotional cause.
In order to survive difficult times, our relationship with ourselves is the real issue. You will find out a lot about your character when you are overwhelmed. Do you isolate, turn to substances, get angry, and rile up your friends and family? Or, can you keep your head, stay strong, and set a good example?
Years ago I helped open the first Mental Health Urgent Care Center in the country. At that facility, our main task was to treat those who were in a crisis. A crisis simply means that our internal resources cannot match the amount of overwhelm we are going through. When people suffer panic attacks, excessively use substances, make suicidal gestures, or become psychotic it clues us professionals in that a person is beyond their level of coping. Now, to get through a crisis, the solution is not found in substances but in learning how to find peace from within.
What if that substance isn’t available? What if that friend, family member, or support person is not around? When we look for other things to rescue us, not only are we co-dependent, but we are also demonstrating that we have a poor connection within ourselves. Therefore, the first step toward problem resolution is simply being your own best friend.
The real issue is how you are with you. Do you beat yourself up and focus on all the horrible things you have done? Do you take to heart the nasty comments that others have told you? Are they perfect? Are they God? Or, just maybe, they are treating you like they treat themselves. We call this process “Projecting”. Why would people be negative to you? Maybe it is because they are negative toward themselves. Your calling yourself negative names is the real issue. In order to get through difficult times the negatives need to be changed to positive. Are you willing to do so?
But, how can this be realistic? It feels like this whole world is crumbling down and we’re supposed to be positive about it? You may be in a domestic violence situation, or wrongfully accused of something and forced to remain in jail. The people we treat have gone through some horrific things and being afraid or fighting anger with anger is not the way to heal. Finding love and compassion for yourself is.
One client wanted everyone to see things their way and tried to get the whole company to admit they were wrong and tell them they were sorry, but even if they did, it wouldn’t prove a thing. Are these people honest? Would they be playing along to get this issue finished for good? We cannot think our way through emotional problems, emotional issues need to be handled emotionally and until that person comes to terms with themselves, and processes through the angry feelings that dominate their life, then this issue will remain.
Here and Now:
Before we address the emotions, the first step is trying to stay present. Future or past thinking will only complicate matters, but staying in the present moment will take away the majority of your overwhelm. Unfortunately, we have been groomed in this society to focus on: “What is the worst thing that can happen?” We call this “Future negative fantasies.” When we focus on the worst-case scenarios, it actually feels like that horrible event is happening right now! Yes, we humans have incredible visualization abilities and fantasy can feel like reality. I played semi-pro baseball for a number of years and psyching ourselves up for the game was common. We visualized hitting the ball squarely, getting a great jump on the ball in the field, and as a pitcher having batters swing and miss on every pitch. People create through the thinking process. A thought occurs, and our whole being makes it happen. Think of the times you knew something would happen, without a doubt, and it does. One event happened with this business, way back in 2020 when Covid hit and our business almost ground to a halt. I got inspired in that period after seeing my friend’s successful dental practice. When I got home I just knew that I could attract abundance like him, and just after we had our greatest month ever! Now I’ve learned to think about the best thing that can happen.
List out Fears:
When you are facing a crisis, write out everything that is frightening you. Once you have jotted this down, rip it up or burn it! That’s right, just release it. There is no room for that junk in your mind. What you focus on you create, so all that negative thinking will bombard you with negativity.
I used to be fear-based. I found ways to worry about everything. All that did was make me sick. Positive thinking is incredible, just on your physical body alone. We do an exercise called muscle testing where a person is asked to worry about something, hold out their arm and we will push down on the arm gently just to note how strong they are. Next, we have them focus on something that is uplifting and brings them great joy, then again have them hold out their arm and we will push down one more time. It is proven that when the mind is positive, the brain secretes neuropeptides which enhance the immune system, aid in digestion, and slow down the aging process. You wouldn’t guess that I am 120 years old. Well… that’s what I tell my group. But, for a 67-year-old, I am acting and feeling half my age because of remaining happy. Unrealistic in these times? Not at all. There is always something to feel grateful for.
In focusing on the negatives, you are taking time off your life. Disease = dis ease. Focusing on the worst thing that can happen is the real downfall of this society. Preparing for the worst and hoping for the best is backward. Enjoy the best and in case of the worst, handle it in your strength, not your weakness.
Now, you military types may disagree with this, and that is granted. For the defense of our country of course we need to be prepared. But, are you in the military? Are you going to make the preemptive strike before they get you? This seems to be happening more and more and it has bred hate and separatism in this country and in the world. A client recently traveled in the Middle East and was targeted by police wherever he went, because he looked “American.” Oh, it is happening and are you going to join in the negativity or see the planet loving and whole?
We do a peace meditation every morning which is basically a hug meditation. First, you start out by giving yourself a hug, and once filled to the limit, you imagine hugging your loved ones, places in this country, and in the world. It is a process of embracing whatever and whomever. On some level, people pick up on the good energy you are throwing their way. One day my mother told me she worried about me and I told her to stop, that it was ruining my health. She told me that’s what mothers do to show their love. I asked her to show her love by giving me hugs in her thoughts.
A few clients are considering packing up and moving to Canada. When the going gets tough, I guess. If there is a problem, we ask people to move toward that problem and address it with love. This is how you emotionally heal. If something bad happened to you in the past, then talk with that younger part of you, show it you care, and do fun activities with that wounded part in you, so you can heal that issue for the last time. But this isn’t emotions, it’s a mindset that some force is going to wreak havoc on us all. With that type of thinking, be careful. Spiritually speaking we may create it.
During the Vietnam War, there was a talk show in Arizona that was interviewing Mother Theresa. They asked her if she was there to take part in the anti-war parade the following day. She replied, “I won’t march against the war, but if there is a march for peace I will gladly join in.”
In troubled times, the most important thing is to care for yourself. If you are overwhelmed, cut back on your obligations. Delegate responsibilities to others in order to free up your time and aid in you feeling more at ease. List out your obligations, prioritize them into A – urgent, B – secondary, C – not my problem or someone else can do this for me. When you organize yourself in this way, then you know what you are facing. With the most difficult problems, break them down into incremental steps. The overall picture may seem too much but it is easy to care for one item, then the next, and then the next. For example, I had a friend whose house looked like a bomb went off and there was clutter and debris everywhere! Living in that environment bred laziness and overwhelm. He decided to focus on groups of five. He would clean up five items and then ask himself if he wanted to do five more. Within a short period of time, his home looked like his home again.
If you suffer from panic attacks then consciously breathe. Drink water. Breathe. Go for a little walk and focus on your breathing. Did I recommend breathing? Your heart is pounding because it lacks oxygen. Relax your muscles and breathe. Tell yourself you are safe. Stay in the here and now as the wave of panic flows past you.
Past posts have addressed how to address your emotional self. I can attest, myself, that tools like opposite hand writing, and opposite hand play had a major impact on the abuse I suffered as a child, and it was the root cause of my panic. Until I learned to apply love to that younger child in me who suffered something that was horrific, the majority of my anxiety lifted. I knew I was on the right course when I could go on an airplane, take an elevator, be in close quarters with people, and talk to large groups of people on stage. The pinnacle for me was giving a speech to the graduating cadets of the LAPD – a group of around 500 policemen all in uniform. It was my ultimate test because a decade before I was running away from them when I was selling bootleg t-shirts at concerts. Who knew?
Compassionate Care is Always Available
There are many more tools and strategies you can use in your pursuit of happiness. Here is where we come in. Contact us at Basic Steps Mental Health and let us support and educate you on this journey back to your loving heart center. Imagine living a heart-centered life, regardless of what is happening externally. We’d love to be of help.
For 25 years, Dr. Scott Alpert, the clinical director of Basic Steps Mental Health, has treated over 7,000 people with mental health and addiction problems, using a Psychological approach that mixes and matches ten of the top approaches used in the industry. We are here virtually and in-person to help you get through this COVID-19 pandemic and many other difficulties you may be experiencing.
May you have good mental health.
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