Who Are You? – Creating Your Identity
Identity issues are common with people coming in for treatment. For so long they’ve changed themselves in order to survive. If you find yourself always caring for others and making their wishes more important than yours, it is time to take an honest look at this. Genetically speaking, we are all the same. Nobody is above or below another, but why do you belittle yourself and cater to those,...Learn More
I Can Do This!
You would think that being a Doctor of Clinical Psychology would afford me special powers, stability, and constant happiness. Well, I wish. It turns out that even we professionals are still human beings and still have to deal with our own emotions. Each time I go after something different, and a bit of a stretch, I go through the same progression. Overconfidence, frustration, partially giving...Learn More
Moving to the New Office – The Saga
Blurry eyed, I am writing an account of what went down during our move to Everett Washington over the holiday season. I forgot how difficult moves can be – if difficult can come close to describing it. Why the Move Our expensive lease was up and what started out as an adventure to downsize and save some extra money each month, turned into a monster. It seemed like it was the perfect time to...Learn More
Spirituality in the Workplace – Part 3
This article will be our final installment on the workplace series. With the recent events regarding civil unrest, it is now more important than ever to learn how to get along with people of all different colors and backgrounds and settle differences. Understand that when we interact with another person, we bring with us all of our unresolved issues and they do as well which can sometimes lead...Learn More
Spirituality in the Workplace – Part 2
Our series on returning to the workplace continues. In the last article, we focused on a few tools to keep you more heart-centered and more positive. In this article was are going to focus on relationship skills. So put your mask and gloves on, or HazMat suit and let’s get ready to verbalize! We are Emotional Beings The new normal is distance. This does not refer to physical space, but...Learn More
Spirituality in the Workplace
As people return to the workplace, it can be a big adjustment for most. It is interesting what becomes our normal – hanging out at home, binging on food, the computer, or TV, and also isolating. In suddenly being thrust into a social environment, it can be overwhelming. “Am I safe?” “Is everyone following the safety precautions properly?” “Should I engage with others or keep my...Learn More
Mental Health Awareness Month
We Are Still Open We’ve had numerous calls wondering when we were going to open again. We just wanted to let you know that we have stayed open throughout this whole crisis. We intend to be a resource no matter what is going on in the world. We still provide groups and ask people to distance themselves in the group and wear a mask. Working Through Issues This time, more than ever, is an...Learn More
Valentine’s Day – A Make it or Break it?
Did this past Valentine’s day make or break your relationship? This is a pivotal day for people in relationships because you will discover the actual state the partnership is in. If problems exist, they won’t go away on their own, work needs to be done and not on your partner but on you. This is because the health of your relationship reflects the relationship you have with yourself. If you...Learn More
Is Your Family of Origin Sick?
According to Object Relations Therapy, all mental illness has its roots in early childhood experiences. If your family was dysfunctional, there are great odds that this was passed down to you. Do your relationships mirror the relationship your parents had? Do you fight? Do you avoid any confrontations? Is it important for you to be right? Do you have to be in control? Are you always...Learn More