Special Memory #10
In 2012 as the world worried about extinction, I took a gamble. Since my ten-year relationship just ended, I wanted to get out of Los Angeles and explore my horizons. Ultimately I took up an offer to open up a Residential Treatment Facility 1,000 miles away. Moving from my family, friends, and steady job was a gamble, but I decided to roll the dice and hoped it didn’t come up snake eyes....Learn More
A Heart Felt Thank You
12 years ago I moved up to this area to open up a residential treatment facility unlike any other. No, not another 12-step facility, mine was using clinical psychology with a smattering of spirituality which had incredible success at the first Mental Health Urgent Care Center in the country. The residential facility had a pretty good run for a number of years but seeing the limitations of...Learn More
Confession – I Am an Addict
I have a confession to make. I am an addict. I guess that’s the best way to describe my binge-watching of the power washing and garden makeover channels on YouTube. I thought it was just a phase, but after 3 months I am still mesmerized by watching people clean up disaster areas and I wonder why. More often than not I am moved to tears. Have I literally gone mad? There is one man (or should...Learn More
Taking a Step Back
I took a step back today and let my assistant run the intensive outpatient program. I was in the main office and could hear what was going on but needed to back off and let my assistant do her thing, as well as the clients. Letting go of the control was an interesting process. There were times when the group was quiet, seemingly trying to figure things out, and I wanted to rush to the rescue...Learn More
Me Pleasing
Things are back in full swing at Basic Steps Mental Health and the popularity of our IOP program has been steadily increasing. Our IOP program is conducted Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday from 9:00 am to noon. What is beautiful about the group experience is that I as a therapist don’t have to work as hard because the group supports and inspires each other. A new person started this week and...Learn More
Luxury Intensive Outpatient Program Really Treatment?
Our Intensive Outpatient Program isn’t easy. Different from most, the emphasis is on healing underlying core wounds. The aim of our program is to teach people how to be a counselor to themselves. Are we successful? It depends on what measurement you use. But when graduates of the program call years later just to say hi and give a report of their current lives, to us that is the greatest...Learn More
New Trends in Addiction Treatment
The American Heritage® Dictionary defines addiction (ə-dĭkˈshən) as: The compulsive physiological and psychological need for a habit-forming substance: a drug used in the treatment of heroin addiction. An instance of this: a person with multiple chemical addictions. The condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or involved in something. Habitual Patterns When a habit is...Learn More
The Time For a Better You Is Now
How long do you want to tolerate your problems? How long do you want to hide from life? Even if you have tried the treatment in the past – you’ve never been through treatment quite like this. We Get to the Root of the Problem I am Dr. Scott Alpert from Basic Steps Mental Health. Our Outpatient program is the most unique in the country because we treat problems at their root....Learn More