Rebuilding Self Worth
In 28 years, I’ve seen my fair share of broken people. Many of which I treated in an 11-year span at a Mental Health Urgent Care where I saw over 7,000 people! Across the country, 20% of the people have a mental illness that warrants serious treatment. How many of these get treatment? Only a handful. One thing I learned is that we are all the same. To some extent we all suffer from something,...Learn More
How Do We Heal?
How do we heal? What an interesting topic. Do you know? I have devoted my life to showing people how to, in the way I was trained to do so in school, but is that the only way? If you are looking for treatment the first question to ask a potential therapist is what is their theory on healing. Healing. Do people really heal? A coworker asked me that the first week I was working at a luxury...Learn More
Full Circle
This week was my father’s 90th birthday. He and I had been on quite a journey together. At first, things were horrible. I later found out that he was going through a horrible marriage, realized that his wife was interested in another man, and didn’t know what to do with his feelings. He broke things, furniture, walls, and almost me in the process. A month later he was gone. What does a young...Learn More
Love to Hurt
When love is applied to hurt, we heal is what sets Spiritual Psychology apart from the rest. In conventional Psychology, they believe that healing takes place when subconscious issues are brought to the surface. This is partially correct. Spiritual Psychology takes it a step further by applying love to that part of you that went through the difficult situation. According to Gestalt Therapy,...Learn More
Holiday Memories
What do you think about Christmas? For many, it fosters great memories, for others only pain. Our wish is for you to see this holiday with new eyes, letting go of the past, so you can make of it what you like. This letting go of the past takes some effort. Processing through our pain is the key to experiencing a happy holiday. To do so, it may be as simple as putting pen to paper. If you find...Learn More
Getting Over Loss
Getting over the loss of somebody special is not an easy task. In graduate school, they taught us people have to feel their feelings during this period. Feeling your feelings for somebody that is not used to feeling emotions can be a difficult process. The intention of this article is to assist people who are struggling with loss to get through it. Loss can be as simple as the loss of a pet or...Learn More
Luxury Intensive Outpatient Program Really Treatment?
Our Intensive Outpatient Program isn’t easy. Different from most, the emphasis is on healing underlying core wounds. The aim of our program is to teach people how to be a counselor to themselves. Are we successful? It depends on what measurement you use. But when graduates of the program call years later just to say hi and give a report of their current lives, to us that is the greatest...Learn More
The Hero’s Journey
As the state gets back to normal, we are seeing a lot of people coming in for treatment. Perhaps it is the shock of being out in the public again. For whatever reason, it is good seeing so many people making the effort to improve themselves. For many, working on themselves is foreign. Unlike having regular doctor or dentist appointments, our mental health is very important because how we are...Learn More
Surviving a Major Ailment
Whether it be from an illness, ailment, or something life-threatening, the most important healing aspect is you. We are very powerful Beings and it is our thoughts that can heal us or destroy us. Working through something serious can be used as an opportunity to heal yourself not only physically, but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The first step is getting in touch with your body,...Learn More