Now in my 30th year as a therapist, I thought it would be great to reminisce a bit and share some of the highlights in my career. And no, I don’t want to thank my 3rd grade piano teacher because I didn’t have one. What I will share is my appreciation of the graduate schools, fellow therapists, and field experience that has prepared me to face some of the most difficult challenges one can...Learn More
I took a step back today and let my assistant run the intensive outpatient program. I was in the main office and could hear what was going on but needed to back off and let my assistant do her thing, as well as the clients. Letting go of the control was an interesting process. There were times when the group was quiet, seemingly trying to figure things out, and I wanted to rush to the rescue...Learn More
I read an article years ago about the top 50 therapy approaches for treatment and could kick myself for not saving it. What I recall was group therapy was in the top five, family therapy in the top ten, number 7 was aversion therapy – like Schick Shadel used to offer before their recent close, individual therapy was around 15, and around 47 was the 12 steps. Group therapy will be the focus of...Learn More
Things are back in full swing at Basic Steps Mental Health and the popularity of our IOP program has been steadily increasing. Our IOP program is conducted Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday from 9:00 am to noon. What is beautiful about the group experience is that I as a therapist don’t have to work as hard because the group supports and inspires each other.
A new person started this week and...Learn More
Today marked the last work day before my trip to Europe and it was one final push. Doesn’t it always seem that it gets extra busy before you need to leave for something? This was no exception and I found myself doing new assessments and writing out reports well into the evening. Did I complain? Maybe at first but as I took an honest look at what I eventually accomplished I was very proud.
I...Learn More
How to get ourselves in motion can be difficult, if you’ve been used to leading a lethargic lifestyle. Simply getting up from the couch and washing the dishes may feel agonizing, when the habit has been watching T.V. or playing a video game. This was the topic of the group this past week.
How do you get your butt in motion when the habit seems sometimes too difficult to break? My question is,...Learn More
28 years as a counselor has had its ups and downs. There were scary times at the Mental Health Urgent Care when people who were psychotic got unruly. How can you convince somebody who feels you are in on the government plot against them that you are there to help? Somehow, I managed to do so. Though, I wondered this morning what was my fondest memory.
I’ve had a lot of incredible memories. In...Learn More
Happy New Year to you. It’s time to purge out the old and start anew. Well at least that is the tradition – but why should this only be highlighted in the new year. This could be a daily habit if you think about it. You know, discovering what no longer serves you in your life and remedying it. This is the foundation of therapy. What do you want out of your life? Resentments? Harsh feelings...Learn More
This was an interesting article to write about the current national affairs. Let’s face it. We are polarized to the point of it feeling like the beginnings of a civil war but the real reasons are a bit unclear. Why are we as a nation at odds? Is it because the average person doesn’t feel heard? Is it because of righteousness – meaning I am right and they are wrong? In all actuality, this is...Learn More
I have hesitated writing about my viewpoints on the political atmosphere in this country for many reasons. First of all, I am a therapist and not a Political Scientist. I don’t have any knowledge of politics at all but have sure been learning an earful through my clientele. Secondly, I am in this profession to empower people in making the best choices they can for themselves. People are the...Learn More