Boosting Your Immunity
After recently traveling and being with a lot of people, it was a different experience from my familiar distancing, masking up, and isolating. For me, like many, the Covid experience was a lot of isolating and the social thing was an adjustment. It seems that the reports I was hearing was being around others was life-threatening, but after getting Covid and now having the antibodies has...Learn More
My Battle with Covid
My have I changed. As a child, we never talked about the things that were going wrong with us. We put on the “I’m Fine” mask and pretended to be great. To my family, outward appearances were very important. When Covid first came on, a client came in, got the whole staff sick, and we didn’t know what it was but after 10 days were all better and things were, more or less, back in order. Then...Learn More
Befriending Anxiety
This is a subject I hold true to my heart. This is what brought me to therapy and this road I am currently on. Is anxiety bad? No, far from it. Anxiety alerts the system that something is wrong. Anxiety is a great teacher if you are willing to learn from it. Oh yes, our society tries to shut anxiety down. Drinking, other substances, and even Psychiatric medicine can numb its call, but if you...Learn More
Feeling Giddy
Years ago, I had the privilege of being in a comedy group that performed in some of the top clubs in Hollywood. We would take the negative expressions in society and create new positive twists on them. This morning I laughed thinking about March Madness, where the team I grew up with had an amazing win and of course “All Heaven broke loose!” Yes, I have been stung by the madness. It has shown...Learn More
Stretching Your Comfort Zone
With the pandemic continuing and people basically sequestered at home, it is easy to get into repetitive habits that can be hard to break. After months of doing the same patterns, doing something different, to shake up the routine, can be difficult, but is an important part of maintaining good mental health. However, this takes energy and if you haven’t pushed yourself in a long time, you...Learn More
Dig In… This Thing Ain’t Over Yet
Dig in, it is rumored that the restrictions from the COVID-19 Virus will be going on for 18-months. Because of this, it is best to adapt and change with the times. There is a great book named, “Who Moved My Cheese?” by Spencer Johnson that may be a great guide for us to follow. In the book, there are two rats and two little people who live in a maze. The maze at first is filled with cheese and...Learn More
Coping with COVID-19
Did you ever believe this pandemic would go on so long? Isn’t it surreal to go shopping and seeing everyone masked up? I heard that in China they have monitors on people and anybody who has a temperature is whisked away to the hospital for a checkup. Their numbers are going down, ours aren’t. A person I know who works at the CDC who predicted at the outset of the disease, that it was going to...Learn More
Happiness During the Pandemic
As a therapist, I am always asking people who are going through difficult times to find happiness within. To discover what makes them happy, and then do that. For individuals who had a difficult childhood, I ask them what made them happy when they were a child and do that, through the use of the opposite hand or opposite foot play. The model that I use is: “When love is applied to hurt, we...Learn More
The Benefits of COVID-19
An article about the benefits of COVID? How could something that causes people to die, lose their job, their home, their freedom, and even their mobility be a good thing? When given a spiritual point of view, you may have a different vantage point. Spirituality, according to Alcoholics Anonymous is the belief in something greater than us restoring us to sanity. No, this isn’t an article on AA,...Learn More