How do you help people who seek your counsel? Beyond all the tools and techniques, there is one element that you may be overlooking – your attitude. When your attitude is one of compassion, healing takes place. I recall a conversation I had with my father regarding sales. He told me to find something about them you have in common. As you meet a client, find something about them you like. If...Learn More
My grandmother used to say the real relationship begins when warts show up. Then what? Do we run and hide, or do we use the situation as an opportunity to grow as a person?
Relationship Dynamics
There are many dynamics taking place simultaneously in relationships. The foremost is basically one family system is bucking up against another. Both partners bring with them the rule system of their...Learn More
A Return to My Roots
In the late 1980s, I began my personal growth journey by attending a 2 1/2 day workshop presented by Insight Seminars. This training opened my eyes to not only to Psychology but realizing emotions can be healed. Up to that point, I played make believe that I was “fine”. I attended training for all the wrong reasons, however, what I found instead scared and wounded me....Learn More
The American Heritage® Dictionary defines addiction (ə-dĭkˈshən) as:
The compulsive physiological and psychological need for a habit-forming substance: a drug used in the treatment of heroin addiction.
An instance of this: a person with multiple chemical addictions.
The condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or involved in something.
Habitual Patterns
When a habit is...Learn More
As the clinical director of Basic Steps Mental Health, I have the honor of meeting with an incredible staff daily and talk about the clients we treat. We are a bunch of people who have gone through treatment in the past, dealt with our mental illness and tend to see things from the client’s perspective. This type of staff has some great advantages because we have been there, have gotten...Learn More
Obligations, bills, work, family, health, financial concerns, can I pay that bill – life has its challenges but how we handle the problems can lead to stress or success. For many, life can be challenging. In a nutshell, we have the ability to remain calm and in control, if we handle ourselves properly. Learning the basic steps to do so can be more simple than you think.
Try this exercise:
List...Learn More
How long do you want to tolerate your problems? How long do you want to hide from life? Even if you have tried the treatment in the past – you’ve never been through treatment quite like this.
We Get to the Root of the Problem
I am Dr. Scott Alpert from Basic Steps Mental Health. Our Outpatient program is the most unique in the country because we treat problems at their root....Learn More
Five years ago, I opened a Residential Treatment Program in Washington State. It had good success but being a perfectionist I wanted to have 100% success and some people struggled after discharge. This industry has relapse rates in the first year at roughly 60%! Relapse is something I have had a difficult time with, from my early days in Residential Treatment in 1994. Residential Treatment is...Learn More
Each morning we do a little check in with our clients. This morning the clients talked about what they liked about the Basic Steps Mental Health Program.
One person said “I was tired of 12 Step Recovery. I failed so many times and each time I felt like the group shunned me. It was humiliating walking to the front of the room, past all the people I have sponsored, to pick up my newcomer chip. I...Learn More