The Benefits of COVID-19
An article about the benefits of COVID? How could something that causes people to die, lose their job, their home, their freedom, and even their mobility be a good thing? When given a spiritual point of view, you may have a different vantage point.
Spirituality, according to Alcoholics Anonymous is the belief in something greater than us restoring us to sanity. No, this isn’t an article on AA, but it is an article about a force that created life and created order in the universe, having its hand (if hand is the word) in what is going on. This is not about organized religion; Spirituality is about one’s direct contact with the Creator of all. Now, if by chance there is this force, then what is its purpose in creating this?
Spiritual Psychology believes that problems are blessings. When we solve problems, we grow in consciousness, or at the level of our soul. Suddenly, problems have a purpose, and in Spiritual Psychology, reoccurring problems are of great importance to address because they are our curriculum in life. Sounds far-fetched? When we plunge deeper into this way of thinking, the problems we have gone through start making sense.
We all are Spiritual Beings having a Human Experience. Ponder that for a moment. Also, ponder this: Everything that happens in our lives is for the education of our soul.
What are the reoccurring problems that you have had to face in your life? Debt, health, poor relationships, unemployment? When we focus on healing these reoccurring problems, issues become a thing of the past. Unfortunately, nobody has shown us how to do so.
Carl Rogers, the founder of the Person-Centered Therapy approach in the 1950s foretold of a future psychology that had the health of the soul as the primary focus. Spiritual Psychology is this approach. Ultimately how is your soul? Do you listen to your inner voice? Do you go with your intuition? Do you live in fear or are you confident? If we are spiritual beings, who were created in the image of God, we have an inherent power that can be refined and used to heal ourselves and others.
Pretty outrageous claims, don’t you think? It is our Humanness that makes us believe we are weak, victims, and problems are bad because pain is normally involved. The truth is: Every problem is merely an invitation to heal something within. When we are able to think about an issue as an opportunity for learning and growth, it becomes a blessing.
Can you think back to a situation or event that was painful when it happened, but as you view it now it was perfect for your growth? It is our ego that tends to make ourselves a victim and view a problem as something bad. We can however work with our ego and reframe problems as blessings because they are invitations to grow spiritually.
In the world today, we have stopped the habitual patterns of the past. How have you reacted to this? It is obvious to see how the nation has. Mask etiquette, acting out, protests, violence, isolation, avoidance – this list can go on and on. In taking a higher perspective, it is important to ask yourself – “What is the Blessing?”
How have you learned and grown during this time period? Have you used this opportunity to look within and make a change? If you are stressed out, angry, anxious, and depressed, or covering up these feelings with substance use and food, then you have an opportunity to face this head-on. It is in addressing these problems that growth at the level of the soul takes place.
Have you noticed that when you don’t deal with a problem it only gets worse? This is because spiritually speaking, things will keep showing up because God (or whatever name you choose for the Divine) keeps presenting it to you for your ultimate growth.
I can imagine many people reading this may think it is some kind of New Age hogwash but think again. We learn through trial and error. It took a lot of falling down before we learned how to walk. Why have your problems kept showing up? It is because you are in the midst of the learning process and you can either ignore it and let it keep appearing in your life or embrace it and enjoy the falling down and getting back up process for your ultimate growth.
Let’s face it, we are facing something that we may have to collectively deal with for years. It is a choice to hate it or embrace it. In the hating process, we literally ruin our health. It is proven that positive feelings enhance our immune system. Wouldn’t it follow that it is important, especially at this time, to be positive?
Facing repeating problems is an art form that can be mastered. Is it an easy process? Not necessarily, but the more you do it the easier it becomes. It can be as simple as writing things out that are bothering you and then ripping it up. It can be as complex as writing out a conversation between the adult you and the younger part inside of you that went through difficulty. We make believe that if we don’t deal with something it will go away, but how does not dealing with something help your soul grow?
When we apply love to our hurt we heal. This is the formula for emotional healing according to Spiritual Psychology. When we embrace the part of us that suffered, talk to it, and listen to what it needs, and follow through on its requests the problems are solved. We say we heal that issue for the last time. Spiritual Psychology is a psychology of hope. It is not about coping with something, or medicating something, although medication is important for many people, it is about learning from a problem, adding love into the mix, and moving on. I’m sure you’ve heard the term baggage. How much baggage do you want to keep on carrying with you?
Unfortunately, baggage becomes familiar and we seek it, sometimes on a daily basis. It becomes our normal and our comfort zone. Here is where daily interactions must take place. It is your choice to hold onto the darkness or go to the light.
Please like us on Facebook and stay involved with our posts. If you need to work through your repeating issues set up an appointment with us. Our approach addresses problems physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. In focusing on only one of these levels it can put your whole self out of balance. We are here to help your soul thrive.
Compassionate Care is Always Available
There are many more tools and strategies you can use in your pursuit of happiness. Here is where we come in. Contact us at Basic Steps Mental Health and let us support and educate you on this journey back to your loving heart center. Imagine living a heart-centered life, regardless of what is happening externally. We’d love to be of help.
For 25 years, Dr. Scott Alpert, the clinical director of Basic Steps Mental Health, has treated over 7,000 people with mental health and addiction problems, using a Psychological approach that mixes and matches ten of the top approaches used in the industry. We are here virtually and in-person to help you get through this COVID-19 pandemic and many other difficulties you may be experiencing.
May you have good mental health.
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