Befriending Anxiety
This is a subject I hold true to my heart. This is what brought me to therapy and this road I am currently on. Is anxiety bad? No, far from it. Anxiety alerts the system that something is wrong. Anxiety is a great teacher if you are willing to learn from it. Oh yes, our society tries to shut anxiety down. Drinking, other substances, and even Psychiatric medicine can numb its call, but if you...Learn More
Forced to Take Care of Myself
I am under the weather. Does the weather cast an evil spell, if so it got me. My body is a good guide to how I am treating myself and obviously, it is telling me to improve my efforts greatly. Oh, I kid myself believing that I get the exercise and proper diet each day, but deep down I know it is a lie. I love fast food and there are times I simply don’t work out. Now my lying to myself has...Learn More
Emotional Healing 101
Every Psychological approach has its own theory of healing. Take Behavioral Psychology, for example, here it is believed that doing the correct behaviors will heal you. The 12 Steps of AA is based on this. Reality Therapy is one behavioral approach where the focus is creating a plan of action and follow it to a tee. This helps individuals focus on doing the right behaviors to heal. More or...Learn More
How to Choose One of Our Programs
Choosing the type of treatment you go through is very important because there are many factors to consider. How much time can you devote to treatment, are there financial and insurance constraints? Bottom line, the real issue is properly addressing the problems you are dealing with. I have a friend that is a dentist and he tells people that you can play with it and go the cheap route or you...Learn More