Let Go of Being Right for a Change – The Illusion
I recently read the book Buddhism 101 by the Dalai Lama and noticed a lot of similarities with psychology. What struck me was their belief that everything in life is just an illusion. Something happens, it goes through our filter, and we make it either good or bad. Therefore, fine-tuning our filter to how the Buddhists urge – seeing each person’s “loving essence” can free us from frustration,...Learn More
Getting Out of the Shadows
When I write mental health articles, I try to stay as neutral as possible. For therapists, we treat people that often have opposing viewpoints to our own, and for me personally, I learn so much from the other person’s point of view, which makes each day rich and an opportunity to search my own self for my rationale in taking certain positions. Often, I post the first draft of something I’ve...Learn More
What is an Addiction?
What is an addiction? An addiction is something that you are compelled to do and find it almost impossible to stop. I know this isn’t the clinical definition, but simply put this explains it. Not all addictions are bad. Addiction to exercise, a healthy diet, personal growth work, education, and helping out humanity are positive addictions. At the extreme, as in most things, even the great...Learn More
If you suffer from depression, it can be debilitating. No energy, no motivation, feeling helpless, hopeless, and worthless. Even when I was working with megastars in Malibu who was well known around the world, even they would feel this way. One day I was shocked when one told me, “I want what you have – your peace”. How do we get the peace we desire? How does energy come back? How does...Learn More
Anxiety Friend or Foe?
When I graduated with my master’s degree at the University of Santa Monica, the famed surgeon Dr. Bernie Segal who wrote the book “Love, Medicine, and Miracles”, gave the commencement speech. He wished pain upon us all because with pain people are motivated to change. The same applies to anxiety. Anxiety is the mind’s way of getting our attention. Anxiety friend or foe? When you are in...Learn More
Bridging the Gap
This was an interesting article to write about the current national affairs. Let’s face it. We are polarized to the point of it feeling like the beginnings of a civil war but the real reasons are a bit unclear. Why are we as a nation at odds? Is it because the average person doesn’t feel heard? Is it because of righteousness – meaning I am right and they are wrong? In all actuality, this is...Learn More
The Benefits of Intensive Outpatient Treatment
If you need treatment for an addiction or a mood disorder and have been considering attending residential treatment, there is another option – Intensive Outpatient Treatment. Let’s be honest, it can be humiliating packing up your bags, leaving home, and being confined in a facility that limits your phone calls, computer access, and freedom. Oh yes, some of the residential facilities are very...Learn More