Life Repeating Itself
It is interesting how my life is repeating itself again which shouldn’t surprise me. In graduate school, we focused our attention on repeating issues, because my professors believed that they were the curriculum of life. In studying Spiritual Psychology the belief is that spiritually speaking, everything is happening in our life for a reason and it all is in regards to our growth and...Learn More
The Key to Getting through School
When I was 32 years old, I decided to go back to school and study something I was interested in – Psychology. It had been 10 or so years since I dropped out of Long Beach State, but wanted to get out of the construction trade and knew that I needed to finish my Bachelor’s degree. In my first class back, the teacher told us we needed to read something 10 times to memorize it. 10 times!...Learn More
Anxiety – A Different Perspective
Anxiety, even the word causes us to hold our breath. Did you know that holding your breath is at the root of the disorder? Holding one’s breath causes the oxygen levels in the body to lower, making the heart work harder and the mind to lose clarity. The antidote is of course breathing, especially deep breathing while anxiety is occurring. What causes a person to stop breathing, or not breathe...Learn More
The Dentist
Just reading the word dentist has caused a shiver to run through me ever since I was a kid. I don’t know about you, but I’ve had hours and hours of drilling and extractions, and I’ve made my way through it, but it still causes me anxiety. It helps that my best friend is my dentist, so I trust his expertise, but that still doesn’t mean that those ancient fears go away. My father had to have his...Learn More
Befriending the Problem
Whether you suffer from depression, anxiety, mood swings, anger, or substance use, the most important element is befriending it. This may sound rather bizarre since this society basically tries to avoid issues in hopes of them going away. I ask you has it? Our repeating problems are repeating for a reason. In learning from and befriending an ailment we can release it. What does befriending...Learn More
A Quick Go-To
A friend of mine is a dentist and hired an organization to help him improve the systems in his practice. His company literally exploded overnight and I got him to share a few of the principles with me. One of the concepts was called the Tone Scale. It referred to the emotional tones people will have in their lives. From apathy to elation and all in between, this company helped him work with...Learn More
Independence Day
Independence day. They are just two words but emotionally can mean a lot. If you are not independent you are dependent. So what are you dependent on? The definition of Dependence is: The state of being determined, influenced or controlled by something else. The state of being dependent on another for financial support. The condition of being dependent on a substance such as a drug or on a...Learn More
Full Circle
This week was my father’s 90th birthday. He and I had been on quite a journey together. At first, things were horrible. I later found out that he was going through a horrible marriage, realized that his wife was interested in another man, and didn’t know what to do with his feelings. He broke things, furniture, walls, and almost me in the process. A month later he was gone. What does a young...Learn More
Coping with Anxiety
At the University of Santa Monica, where I studied Spiritual Psychology, they believed that applying love to anxiety made it fade away and we would truly heal. On paper and in real life it has been a difficult task. I entered therapy to tackle my problems with anxiety and the mere task of addressing anxiety – which was something I had avoided like the plague, has caused me even more anxiety....Learn More