The Psychology of Enhancing Immunities
With all the physical precautions regarding COVID-19, what about learning some emotional precautions as well? It is important to take into account our whole being – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual – at times of great stress. The focus of this article is taking care of the mental and emotional levels in getting you through this pandemic.
The Placebo Effect
The placebo effect has been well documented where people are given a fake pill and it heals them. Why does this happen? Because our innate ability to heal gets engaged. We actually are very powerful beings. We “manifest” or simply create things through intention all of the time. If we think we are going to get sick – we create sickness. If we believe it is going to be a great day – it will be great. Intentions point the way for us to experience what we want in our lives and what we do not.
If you think you can, if you think you cannot your right – Henry Ford
What is the worst thing that can happen? Does this question look familiar? This is mostly how we create negative things in our lives. Future negative fantasies create a visual of how things could be, our mind then plops us into this horrible future, our emotions grab hold of it believing it is happening right now and then we panic! Sound familiar? Because we have the ability to fantasize, it is important to train yourself to focus on positive fantasies in which you are healthy, strong and happy. For people who are ill with various disorders, an important antidote is visualizing your immune system as powerful and you are healing.
Setting Your Intentions
Intentions are the first step towards taking back control of your life. We do them subconsciously, so why not learn to do so consciously. Follow this format: “My intention is _____________”. For example, “My intention is to be healthy.” Or “My intention is to be happy”. Or “My intention is to be safe”. How do you want to feel? Intentions start the journey towards your destination. Avoid dabbling in the worst-case scenarios and begin a new journey towards health and wellbeing.
In the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. – John 1:1
Words are powerful. They can create or destroy depending on our intention. Thinking has the same impact. Dr. Masaru Emoto experimented with how thoughts affect water. He had people focus positive thoughts on a bottle of water and under the electron microscope, it created “Beautiful” and healthy water. He also had people focus negative thoughts on another bottle of water and is showed unhealthy “ugly” water. Think about this – we are more than 90% water. Negative thoughts during this time make us unhealthy and vulnerable to illness. Positive thinking is a very important aspect during this critical time to help keep you healthy or step you through recovery.
How can we be positive at a time where many people are dying, not working, and possibly facing financial ruin? What is your intention? If somebody has fallen into the well, do you jump in with them? It is important to stay strong and reach down a hand or rope to help them climb out. Staying strong is the most important aspect of emotional wellbeing. Our lowering our energy and focusing on negativity will push us into that pit. Avoid negative future fantasies and stay present.
Try this: Take in a deep breath, exhale and center yourself in your loving heart. Simply breathe in relaxation and exhale tension. Staying in the here and now becomes very important because of the fact that this is all we have.
The past is history, the future a mystery, but now is a gift and that is why it is called The Present.
Emotional Wellbeing 101
Our emotions have a language all their own. From anger, raw fear, to elation we have a vast assortment of energies wired into us ready to rush to the surface and take over at the drop of a hat. Candace Pert received a Nobel Prize for proving when we are happy the brain secrets certain Peptides which enhances our immune system. Learning how to “make yourself happy” becomes an art form and a source of stability and health.
List out the things that make you happy and next do them. Have some fun with this assignment. Dance, sing, create poetry, artwork, going for a jog, smelling flowers, even redecorating your home can bring a smile to your face. As you see, this activity is not focused on how others can make you happy. The real focus is on learning how to make you happy. Sometimes that person isn’t there – then what? Take matters into your own hands – or own feet if kicking around a soccer ball makes you happy.
Emotional healing, of course, takes more than drawing something or dancing around on one foot. Often it means getting into the trenches with the younger part of us that went through difficulty. It is recommended to do this type of emotional cleansing with a professional. For those who have suffered trauma or abuse in the past, it is not uncommon for these memories to get triggered in times of great stress. Unable to think our way out of a problem, suddenly we shift back to the mindset of a young and helpless child. This process is referred to as regression and we do this naturally all the time. Has anybody ever said you were acting like a two-year-old? Now you know why. To heal this, it is important to apply love to the younger part inside of you that went through a horrible experience.
Spiritual Psychology
Spiritual Psychology believes that when love is applied to hurt we heal. There is quite possibly a scared four-year-old little boy or girl inside of you still cowering. When we go through a shock, there is a portion of us that can be stuck or “fixated” there. To help heal this younger aspect, it is important to talk and sometimes even play with this younger self.
Opposite Hand Writing – a process that has your dominant hand represent you now and the opposite hand represents the younger you are a great avenue to interacting with this wounded self. Out of sight out of mind is a fallacy. Out of sight into subconscious mind is more like it. However, we only have limited space in our subconsciousness and after that, the panic attacks begin. To avoid this process have a heart to heart conversation with your younger self. Give your younger self a hug. Allow your younger self to play using the opposite hand or foot. Play a video game using the opposite hand. Eat with the opposite hand. Kick a Soccer Ball with your opposite foot. Overall have some fun with him or her!
Is this logical? Not really. It is emotional. In interacting with the part of you that is afraid, you are demonstrating to yourself that you are the number one priority. Take care of yourself first before you take care of others. Otherwise, you won’t have the energy, or health to do so. Now is the time to clean up the inner clutter of your past through opposite hand conversations and opposite hand (or foot) play.
This is just the basic basics of both emotional and mental interactions.
Compassionate Care is Always Available
There are many more tools and strategies you can use in your pursuit of happiness. Here is where we come in. Contact us at Basic Steps Mental Health and let us support and educate you on this journey back to your loving heart center. Imagine living a heart-centered life, regardless of what is happening externally. We’d love to be of help.
For 25 years, Dr. Scott Alpert, the clinical director of Basic Steps Mental Health, has treated over 7,000 people with mental health and addiction problems, using a Psychological approach that mixes and matches ten of the top approaches used in the industry.
May you and yours remain happy and healthy,
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