Handling the Coronavirus
Back, back, a way back… and Gone! The ballgame is over! And so is my sports entertainment thanks to the Coronavirus. The Coronavirus has caused worldwide concerns and no baseball? But this takes a backseat to the reality of this disease. As we take care of the universal precautions, something is being overlooked – the unresolved emotional issues that are now being brought to the surface.
What the Virus Means To You
Take a moment to focus on your feelings about what the virus means to you. Are you in a panic? Are you hypervigilant? Are you overly judgmental of yourself and/or others? This brings up memories of the Y2K worries in which people were freaked out, literally about nothing, but these fears felt so real like it was the end of the world. Therefore, take in a breath, get centered in your loving heart for yourself, and be gentle towards yourself.
Fear is the biggest concern and boy will our fears lead us into interesting directions. There was the story of someone having to get off an airplane because of having an allergy attack and people getting violent towards them. These are troubled times for sure, but if you keep your head and learn to work through your fears there are many benefits.
Candice Pert got her Nobel Prize for proving that when we have positive thoughts the brain secrets Peptides that enhance our immune system, slow down the aging process, and make us stronger. Now is the time to find ways to be happy. Joke around with people, play music, do the things you like that brings you joy! This is only a mental approach but it can go a long way. Emotionally there is more of a strategy.
A Conversation With Your Fear
If there is a part inside of you that is afraid, talk with it. Opposite handwriting is a great tool in which you allow your dominant hand to represent the adult you now (or your current age if you are young), and your opposite hand represents your fear. Write out a conversation with your fear. Allow your fear to jot down what it is fearing. As we do this, it takes the edge off the fear and provides us with now a more stable aspect of us to come forward. Then ask your fear what you can do to help it feel better. Logical? Not at all. This is an emotional toll that is founded on giving a voice to parts of us that are triggered and out of balance. If this seems to be a stretch, write a letter to your fear and share your feelings, then rip it up and discard it, or burn it because… well because I like burning things. Please don’t reread anything you write out because these tools are designed to let things go.
Intention Settings
Intention setting and affirmations top my list – though they are mostly mental. Intentions are simple – follow this format: “My intention is ______”
For example: My intention is to be healthy. Or, My intention is to feel safe. Recite them in the positive – for example: do not say – “My intention is not to get infected”. The subconscious mind will not hear the “not” and will focus on infected and lead to you getting sick. It is interesting how powerful our mind is, given the right direction you can accomplish some amazing things.
In regards to affirmations, jot down a maximum of three qualities you would like to experience more and plug them into this model: “I am a __________, ___________, and _____________ person (woman, man, human being).”
For example: “I am a healthy, safe, and positive man.”
Please create your own statement and after doing so repeat it a minimum of 100 times a day. Especially when you feel afraid to drown out these thoughts with this statement.
In closing. There are a multitude of other tools that you can use and it is important to go through counseling if you cannot work things out on your own. That is why were are in business, so we can be of help.
Compassionate Care is Always Available
There are many more tools and strategies you can use in your pursuit of happiness. Here is where we come in. Contact us at Basic Steps Mental Health and let us support and educate you on this journey back to your loving heart center. Imagine living a heart-centered life, regardless of what is happening externally. We’d love to be of help.
For 25 years, Dr. Scott Alpert, the clinical director of Basic Steps Mental Health, has treated over 7,000 people with mental health and addiction problems, using a Psychological approach that mixes and matches ten of the top approaches used in the industry.
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