2020 – A New Decade For Self-Discovery
2020 marks a new decade which can be a decade of self-discovery and growth. In our workshops, we have honest talks about life and about death. As we age, it becomes more apparent that we won’t live forever, and then what? These subjects are rarely discussed in social circles because they make death too real and too frightening, but it is something we all have to face. This is probably why we talk about it since it is our duty to go into the uncomfortable areas and bring them to light.
What You Do Defines You
Yes, we have a birth date and eventually a death date. What you do between the lines is what defines you. The real question is how are you with you? You live with you 24/7 and above all do you like you? If this relationship is critical and abusive, you are probably this way with others because we tend to treat others how we treat us. The first step towards changing for the better is bettering your relationship within.
Spiritually speaking, everything outside of you is just an illusion. Psychologically speaking everything you perceive goes through your filter and you create your belief system. The emphasis is on “Your Belief System”, you are the one in control of that and maybe some of your beliefs may be invalid.
So, what does happen when you die? Is that it? Is there nothingness? Does the soul move on? What is the purpose of life? Are we born to make a replacement and then be gone? Is there a God? If you have no beliefs, then life can seem like a death sentence. Faith is the belief in the unseen. Or, perhaps you have witnessed the paranormal? Then it isn’t faith at all but direct knowing. Having paranormal experiences is one step, understanding them and using them to understand a cosmic plan for you is another. But who talks like this anyway?
Psychology with a Heart
This year marks my 20th anniversary graduating from the University of Santa Monica. USM is a worldwide leader in the practice of Spiritual Psychology. Yes, each month the students gathered from all over the world to learn how to blend Spirituality and Psychology. This discipline is what I refer to as Psychology with a heart. Love is seen as the ultimate healer and as we use strategies to bring the subconscious issues to the surface, they were met with compassion towards the part of us that went through the experience. We viewed life’s issues as the curriculum for life. It is in overcoming these problems that help us grow at the level of our soul. If we didn’t address these issues and work through them, they would keep returning until we ultimately faced them. So why sit there viewing life from your couch and take an active part in the evolution of your Soul?
Do you have repeating problems that occur over and over again? In not facing them, they only return stronger and stronger. Do you get panic attacks? Angry outbursts? Are you paralyzed in bed? This is of most concern.
The University believed in reincarnation and if you didn’t address your issues properly, you would have to return and deal with these same issues over and over again until you did. How many lifetimes do you want to deal with the same old sh..?
Let Your Dreams Come True
2020 can be a time for house cleaning of yourself. Find a therapist. Get things off your chest. Interact with the younger part of yourself that went through difficulty. Let go of the limiting rules and expectations you have and learn to live heart-centered.
Is life all about dealing with problems of the past? Well, that is only part of it. Life can also be an incredible journey of love, togetherness, and common goals.
I love the scene in the movie Tangled, when the princess tells the thief she is scared that her dream is about to come true. The thief replied that the good thing about reaching a dream is creating a new one.
May your 2020’s be filled with your dreams coming true and repeating problems being solved.
Compassionate Care is Always Available
There are many more tools and strategies you can use in your pursuit of happiness. Here is where we come in. Contact us at Basic Steps Mental Health and let us support and educate you on this journey back to your loving heart center. Imagine living a heart-centered life, regardless of what is happening externally. We’d love to be of help.
For 25 years, Dr. Scott Alpert, the clinical director of Basic Steps Mental Health, has treated over 7,000 people with mental health and addiction problems, using a Psychological approach that mixes and matches ten of the top approaches used in the industry.
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